‘Lack of stress management in the workplace contributes to illnesses, absenteeism and employee turnover.
A primary indicator of stress is underperformance at work. To resolve the situation it is vital to take effective
actions and procedures.’

Stress In The Workplace

According to a report by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), stress continues to be one of the main causes of short- and long-term absence from work. Overall, nearly four-fifths (79%) of respondents report some stress-related absence in their organisation over the last year (9% don’t know), although this rises to 91% of organisations with more than 250 employees. With over 12 million working days lost in the UK because of stress in the workplace, you need to ensure your staff can get control of their stress.

I offer a full stress management programme designed to improve workplace performance and productivity including:
  •  A comprehensive Occupational Stress Risk Assessment based on international standards, to determine workplace stressors.
  • Team centred training and workshops aimed at all employee levels up to senior management and board personnel.
  • One – to – One employee stress management coaching with follow up reports and recommendations.
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Stress Management Consultant

A full consultancy programme consisting of risk assessments, evaluation of sickness data, review of current programmes to address stress in the workplace, focus groups, training workshops and selected coaching.
There’s a lot to consider when choosing the proper stress management partner for your organisation.
Get your copy of The Guide to a Stress Management Programme.

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Stress Management Training

An in-depth explanation of what stress is including the fundamentals, goals, barriers and benefits,
of a proper programme designed to up-skill mental health advocates, health and wellbeing professionals as well as any and all members of your organisation.
Get your copy of The Stress Management Training Options and decide what programme best suits the needs of your organisation.

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Stress Management Coaching

I take on a limited number of private clients each year, and my fees vary depending on how you want to work.
We will draw up a list of priorities in terms of addressing the stressors you can work on in order to help you manage your stress more effectively.
Connect with me and let’s organise a FREE consultation/discovery session. Here’s to Mastering Your Stress!

Ches Moulton, The Stress Master, is the UK’s leading authority on stress management.

His career has spanned more than 25 years, during which time he has been a much sought-after executive coach, psychotherapist, and trainer. His most recent work has focused on helping those with elevated levels of stress overcome their problems and enjoy productive lives, free from both the physical and mental consequences of chronic stress.
During his time as a business performance consultant, Ches has served as an advisor to both private businesses and government in Canada, the Caribbean, United Kingdom, Africa and the Middle East.
He is the author of How to Get Control of Your Stress- Instead of Stress Controlling You’ and the international best-seller Choice and Change – How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Ourself and Others’ He is also a contributor to Fit For Leadership #3’.
His inspirational, thought provoking, entertaining and content-rich stress management and mental skills series of Keynote Presentations, Masterclasses and Coaching Programmes can be delivered in-person or online. These are regularly accredited as the inspiration for dramatic improvement and success where people discover the tools to manage their stress, increase productivity, and improve the quality of their lives.

Want to know what has you stressed?

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  • Discover the events that cause you the most stress.
  • Learn how stress affects your health.
  • Includes a ranking system so you can keep score.
  • Simply click the button below and receive your free ebook .

Get your copy of the international best seller 'Choice & Change-How To Have A Healthy Relationship with Ourself and Others' and 'How To Get Control Of Your Stress-Instead Of Stress Controlling You'

Both books are available right now .

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Zebras and Stress

Zebras are one of the most decisive animals. Everything is black or white. No grey areas. Indecision leads to elevated levels of stress. Why can’t

Read More »

To find out more about Ches and what he can do for you and your team please connect here:

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